Friday, October 14, 2011

English Language Development Class (ELD)

English Language Development Class (ELD)
I haven’t written much about his English class, but he does have English language development daily.  This class accounts for 10% of his day.
For ELD, both dual immersion classes and three English kindergarten classes are integrated together  This means that about 125+ students are in this class, but there are credentialed teachers for each subgroup: Sra. Oliver, Sra. Mendoza, Sra. Cervantes, Mrs. Barajanos, Mrs. Liechty and Mrs. Keating.
He is in the group called cìrculo. According to Jedadiah there are 6 groups: cìrculo, triàngulo, cuadrado, rectàngulo, cono y cubo.  His buddy, Ryan, is in the rectàngulo group. 
From what I can tell, the students are learning, Social Studies during English class.  I have seen papers about America, California, American Symbols, the American flag, the Statue of Liberty, manners, people at school, and some famous nursery rhymes.  Each group has a different teacher; his teacher is Mrs. Barajanos. He said that ELD class is fun but hard.  I asked why English classes are harder than Spanish class, but he didn’t have an answer. His group is the English Only group.  The other groups were determined by the score on the California English Language Test (CELT).

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