Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sra. Oliver’s Response to the Midterm Grading

Sra. Oliver’s Response to the Midterm Grading
Familia Sarep,

What fantastic questions! The answer to your first question is to make sure that you are involved in Jedadiah's education. I think you can safely check that off your list. Next, attend all Dual Immersion and Parent Training meetings that are offered. Again, you can be confident that you are doing your part. Then, as parents, maintain an open line of communication with Jedadiah and with each other; as school partners, address any questions or concerns with me, Mrs. Mendoza, or Mrs. Willis immediately; and as resources, connect with other parents to build a network of "go-to" people in times of need.

Your second question in regard to the Language Arts Midterm refers to "Concepts About Print." Each student was asked to identify the front and back covers of a book, the title, as well as differentiate between a letter, number, or word. For the three questions that he answered incorrectly, I noted what his response was on the score sheet.

Finally, I would not be too worried about Jedadiah's social skills. He has a good heart and knows that both his parents and teachers have high expectations for him. I am working on the best outlet for him and trying to get him to remember that there are consequences for each action that he decides to pursue. Please also remember that he is 5 years old and is in a class where the teacher cannot communicate with him in a way that would make him 110% sure of the expectations. He is on the right track and I do appreciate you continuing to remind him through notes at lunch and conversations at home about what is expected of him.

I am very proud of the progress he has made and hope you are as well. This is why I come to school every day. =)

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